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In A Nutshell

In private counseling practice for 17 years, Iʼve worked extensively with scores of clients to reframe ordinary challenges and extraordinary crises into bearable and empowering narratives. I call this process “crossfading”, because I strongly believe when we remix our minds, we remix our lives.



I have always been deeply curious about the stories that inform our lives and how we define those experiences in ways that feel purposeful and empowering rather than stifling and oppressive. For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt a gravitational pull towards self-inquiry, dialogue, people, writing and music. These interests have served quite well my work - which is very simply to instigate personal revolutions.


Private Practice Background

Although I originally majored in psychology and followed a more traditional academic path early on, my greatest education has come from my personal interest and commitment to non-traditional and interdisciplinary study coupled with my relentless appetite for reading the work of great thinkers, my submersion in evocative art and finally my certification in a metaphysically based counseling model called C.O.R.E.™ counseling. I've never credited luck or education for my reported level of effectiveness working with clients. Instead, I've leaned heavily towards the belief that I was anointed to do this work and for that I remain humbled and grateful every day. The journey so far has been truly exquisite.



Both provocative and sensitive, my process with clients draws from multiple disciplines including spirituality, metaphysics, eastern philosophy, Jungian psychology and mythology. Sessions are soulful, cognitive and improvised. My clients are those who want to be present, accountable and active participants in the re-creation of their lives.



It is fair to say that my work as both a counselor and artist in the world have been equally influenced by the other and greatly shaped by the personal losses, challenges and tragedies I've faced and overcome. I am no stranger to the ideas I advocate. Murder, addiction, divorce and domestic violence have all touched my life in deeply personal ways. Yet I hold steadfast to the belief that any situation can be remixed to the tune of meaning. I teach by what Iʼve learned and hope to inspire by what Iʼve lived through.


Watch my clients here.


The Evolution of My Work, Crossfading and The Remixed Life™

My work with clients has evolved over the past decade. When I first began to see clients over 15 years ago, I was young (often times younger than my clients), fresh and naive. I believed wholeheartedly that no matter what, transformation was possible for anyone.


I worked with those whoʼd been raped, molested, oppressed by negative thinking, mowed down by abusive parents and partners, passed over for promotions, full of self-doubt and self-hate; clients who were deeply troubled by deceitful relationships and on the brink of ending their lives. With each one, Iʼd enter as deeply as was safe for me, into their rich and sometimes guarded, emotional terrain. Together weʼd explore, engage, ruminate, confront, laugh, cry, and explore some more. Often enough, a client would literally transform their pain into something empowering - what I essentially call “crossfading.


Personal Growth Is A Choice

I began to realize a common theme in each client who experienced some type of breakthrough. They each had been desperately unwilling to return to the “business- as-usual” nature of their lives before beginning a process with me. They wanted more. They expected more. Those clients got more.


Although I am no longer as young, fresh or naive as when I first started, my optimism has remained largely unaffected. It has, however, been chiseled into a more refined outlook that recognizes high-voltage transformation is possible for anyone who chooses.  To radically remix your life is equally frightening and liberating. Crossfading” - as I like to call it - is not a passive process. It is a deliberate choice that we must engage very seriously if we are to experience heartfelt and authentic change.


Working with Crossfaders!

So where 16 years ago I sat with all types of clients, today - on the other side of retirement from the long term one-on-one process - I only work with clients who are specifically desirous of and committed to their own personal revolutions. People who want to “crossfade.” People who believe, as I, that mediocrity is overrated.


My cilents expect to reinvent themselves in a grand, purposeful way. Together we remix their lives, one story at a time.


Click here to learn more about crossfading.

what my clients and i have to say about my work...

"not your momma's therapy"

scroll down to read.

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